Hunter Neurology


Adult and Paediatric EEG examination

An electroencephalogram (EEG) is a non-invasive test which records neuronal activity in the brain. Small electrodes are applied to the scalp and, because the recording has to detect the small electrical signals generated by the brain, it helps to have clean dry hair which is free from oils, gels or hairspray. The electrical signals from the brain are amplified and processed to provide a graphic representation of the brain’s many electrical rhythms.

During the study you will be asked to rest for around ½ hour. You may then be asked to breathe deeply and rapidly for 2-3 minutes which might make you feel light-headed although this settles quickly as soon as you stop deep-breathing. You may also be asked to open and close your eyes while a strobe light flashes.

Partial Sleep-deprived EEG examination

Sleep-Deprived EEG – The recording is the same as a routine EEG but you will be asked to stay awake for 24 hours in advance of your EEG recording. All stimulants must be avoided and, for safety reasons, you must not drive to or from our rooms. You should also be accompanied if travelling on public transport after you have been sleep-deprived.

Adult Prolonged EEG recordings

Prolonged EEG – This is an extended recording with the electrodes being attached to a portable recorder so you will be able to move around the laboratory and office during the hours of the recording. The best recording is obtained while seated quietly so you should bring along suitable reading material to occupy your time during this EEG recording.

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